Strolid Superstars February


Top phone productivity

Client Advisor with the most Inbound and Outbound calls on the team.


Top Internet performer

The Client Advisor who had the Most Leads, Appts and Shows.


PRM Teams


Purple Team:

1st: Mike – 1,875 outbounds / 149 inbounds = 2,024 total calls 

2nd: Matt C – 1,542 outbounds / 342 inbounds = 1,884 total calls

Red Team:

1st: Ronan M – 1,719 outbounds / 183 inbounds = 1,902 total calls

2nd: Ellie M – 1,350 outbound / 109 inbounds = 1,549 total calls

Maroon Team:

1st: Kadia – 1,591 outbounds / 189 inbounds = 1,780 total calls

2nd: Blessing – 1,464 outbounds / 235 inbounds = 1,699 total calls


Purple Team:

1st: Mike  – 669 leads / 179 appointments / 104 shows

2nd: Matt C – 633 leads / 182 appointments / 87 shows

Red Team:

1st: Ronan M – 609 leads / 163 appointments / 98 shows

2nd: Keith E – 492 leads / 117 appointments / 75 shows

Maroon Team:

1st: Kadia – 618 leads / 188 appointments / 105 shows

2nd: Blessing – 558 leads / 182 appointments / 109 shows


GBO Teams


Green Team:

1st: Ana – 1,493 outbounds / 372 inbounds = 1,865 total calls

2nd: Joseph L – 1.501 outbounds / 333 inbounds = 1,834 total calls

Blue Team:

1st: Claire T – 1,602 outbounds / 315 inbounds = 1,917 total calls

2nd: Juls – 1,576 outbounds / 139 inbounds = 1,715 total calls

Orange Team:

1st: Mhae – 2,756 outbounds / 459 inbounds = 3,224 total calls

2nd: Maya – 2,539 outbounds / 464 inbounds = 3,003 total calls


Green Team:

1st: Alan H – 768 leads / 232 appointments / 153 shows

2nd: Ana – 661 leads / 219 appointments / 129 shows

Blue Team:

1st: Claire T – 706 leads / 256 appointments / 120 shows

2nd: Idalis – 620 leads / 153 appointments / 92 shows

Orange Team:

1st: Aya S – 799 leads / 269 appointments / 151 shows

2nd: Maya – 746 leads / 306 appointments / 154 shows


GNG Teams


Gray Team:

1st: Ariel – 2,184 outbounds / 304 inbounds = 2,488 total calls

2nd: Rosalie – 1,583 outbounds / 502 inbounds = 2,085 total calls

Gold Team:

1st: Alyssa – 1.529 outbounds / 457 inbounds = 1,986 total calls

2nd: Aia – 1,435 outbounds / 310 inbounds = 1,745 total calls


Gray Team:

1st: Rosalie – 748 leads / 225 appointments / 129 shows

2nd: Ruth – 560 leads / 225 appointments / 105 shows

Gold Team:

1st: Alyssa – 682 leads / 200 appointments / 114 shows

2nd: Christie – 559 leads / 196 appointments / 136 shows


Got ideas?

We want to ensure we cover information vital to YOU herein STROLID WORLD. Please submit any new ideas to OR —we’d love to hear from you!

Strolid Superstars – February 2024

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