Outsourced Automotive BDC

Outsourced Automotive BDC

We offer peerless outsourced BDC services to single dealerships and auto groups large and small. Our top-notch team will help you grow your business by allowing you to focus your time and resources on the most critical aspects of your work. There are many reasons why partnering with an outsourced Business Development Center (BDC) is the right business move for many organizations.

BDC work includes the management of incoming calls, emails, and social media messages. In our modern era, there are more methods than ever for contacting businesses. Handling all of this communication requires efficiency and expertise – traits that Strolid has in spades. Modern problems require modern solutions.

Please read on to learn more about the pros and cons of an external BDC for auto dealerships. We put this page together to help you decide whether or not externalizing lead management, appointment management, and customer retention work makes sense for your unique business.

The Competitive Edge of External BDC

External BDC Is Cost-Effective

Outsourcing your Business Development Center is typically an effective cost-cutting move. If you’re currently paying for in-house employees to run a BDC center, outsourcing will allow you to reduce your payroll and benefits expenses. It will also help you save in the future, since you won’t be shelling out for training and hiring people to handle your BDC needs.

Reduced Workload for Dealership Staff

If your sales team is juggling the work of making sales and handling incoming requests, then they are not focusing on the sales aspect, which is their primary function. Switching to an outsourced BDC automotive service allows your sales team to concentrate their efforts on making money for your business and nurturing their client relationships.

Focus on Core Business

Once you’re working with an outsourced BDC company like Strolid, your team can emphasize sales and service. Lead management, appointment management, and customer follow-ups will become the domain of our expert staff. This is one of the key areas where automotive BDC can help grow your business through increased efficiency.

Why Work With Strolid?


We have been providing outsourced automotive BDC for over a decade. As a trusted partner for more than 100 organizations across the nation, we have the expertise to help you manage your growing business. Our team is composed of people with a passion for cars. We built our company by nurturing our client relationships – working with us will free your employees to focus on the same thing.


Our outsourced BDC services are data-driven. We show our clients exactly how our services impact their businesses and drive growth. We work out of your scheduling and CRM tools so you can stay abreast of what our team is doing on your behalf. We now transcribe all of our customer communications so we can keep up with emerging trends and refine our lead management and customer service practices.

Cutting-Edge Technology and Processes

As an outsourced BDC company, we employ the latest technology and tools of the trade. Lead management, customer follow-ups, and appointment setting are the core focuses of our work, so we invest heavily in making sure our experts have everything they need to dominate this space. You don’t have to spend money on new BDC programs – we take care of this.


All of our outsourced BDC services are conducted by seasoned experts who maintain composure and focus on getting customers the services they need. We provide consistent, effective customer interactions that will keep your clientele coming back for more. When the Strolid team increases your customer retention, your business will flourish.

We Offer Top-Tier Virtual Dealership BDC Services

Our outsourced BDC team is second to none. We can help you leverage all of the efficiencies of this model thanks to our many years of work in this field. Strolid employs data security technology that will keep your customers’ information safe and secure, too.

Whether you’re hoping to improve customer retention, lighten your team’s scheduling workload, or improve lead management, our service BDC and other products will increase your business’ efficiency. Please contact us today to learn more about the pros and cons of an external BDC for auto dealerships. We’ll help you decide whether or not outsourced BDC is the right choice for your growing enterprise. Our team looks forward to helping your business grow and succeed.


What is outsourced BDC?

Outsourced BDC means that you’ve hired an outside company to handle your customer follow-ups, service and sales appointments, and lead management. Working with Strolid means freeing your team to focus on their core functions while we pick up much of the busywork. Please reach out to us to learn more about the many efficiency-growing services we offer to vehicle dealerships around the country.

What does BDC mean in a dealership?

The Business Development Center (BDC) in an automotive dealership handles lead management, scheduling, and customer follow-ups. This is a field that has rapidly expanded in recent years due to the increase in communication channels. Before, you just had phones to consider. Now, however, there are social media messages, texts, and emails, too. Outsourced BDC helps you focus on core business concerns.

What are BDC services?

Strolid offers top-tier lead management, customer response, and appointment scheduling services. These functions are usually performed by BDC professionals. When you keep these employees in-house, you incur significant payroll, hiring, and training expenses. Outsourced BDC helps you save money and grow your business. Please reach out to us with any questions about the possibilities offered by outsourcing your automotive BDC.

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