Strolid Superstars March


Top phone productivity

Client Advisor with the most Inbound and Outbound calls on the team.


Top Internet performer

The Client Advisor who had the Most Leads, Appts and Shows.


PRM Teams


Purple Team:

1st: Mike G – 1,607 outbounds / 156 inbounds = 1,763 total calls 

2nd: Matt C – 1,616 outbounds / 128 inbounds = 1,744 total calls

Red Team:

1st: Bert M – 1,464 outbounds / 236 inbounds = 1,700 total calls

2nd: Ronan M – 1,509 outbound / 160 inbounds = 1,669 total calls

Maroon Team:

1st: Blessing I – 1,517 outbounds / 285 inbounds = 1,802 total calls

2nd: Loveth – 1,397 outbounds / 303 inbounds = 1,700 total calls


Purple Team:

1st: Mike G – 599 leads / 162 appointments / 106 shows

2nd: Matt C – 571 leads / 120 appointments / 60 shows

Red Team:

1st: Ronan M – 669 leads / 184 appointments / 130 shows

2nd: Louie – 562 leads / 173 appointments / 104 shows

Maroon Team:

1st: Mae A – 631 leads / 240 appointments / 125 shows

2nd: Loveth – 671 leads / 199 appointments / 113 shows


GBO Teams


Green Team:

1st: Ana – 1,559 outbounds / 367 inbounds = 1,926 total calls

2nd: Roy M – 1.442 outbounds / 310 inbounds = 1,752 total calls

Blue Team:

1st: Juls – 1,488 outbounds / 219 inbounds = 1,707 total calls

2nd: Salwa M – 1,154 outbounds / 472 inbounds = 1,626 total calls

Orange Team:

1st: Aya S – 2,138 outbounds / 425 inbounds = 2,563 total calls

2nd: Mhae D – 1,961 outbounds / 363 inbounds = 2,324 total calls


Green Team:

1st: Ana – 717 leads / 237 appointments / 155 shows

2nd: Alan – 663 leads / 211 appointments / 145 shows

Blue Team:

1st: Claire T – 568 leads / 208 appointments / 116 shows

2nd: Juls – 535 leads / 153 appointments / 81 shows

Orange Team:

1st: Aya S – 888 leads / 314 appointments / 148 shows

2nd: Bella B – 784 leads / 294 appointments / 166 shows


GNG Teams


Gray Team:

1st: Ariel – 2,092 outbounds / 381 inbounds = 2,473 total calls

2nd: Rosalie B – 1,524 outbounds / 535 inbounds = 2,059 total calls

Gold Team:

1st: Raeshell B – 1.271 outbounds / 260 inbounds = 1,531 total calls

2nd: Christie – 1,234 outbounds / 287 inbounds = 1,521 total calls


Gray Team:

1st: Rosalie – 791 leads / 235 appointments / 108 shows

2nd: Liss S – 696 leads / 205 appointments / 116 shows

Gold Team:

1st: Christie A – 625 leads / 188 appointments / 140 shows

2nd: Aia G – 499 leads / 211 appointments / 128 shows


Got ideas?

We want to ensure we cover information vital to YOU herein STROLID WORLD. Please submit any new ideas to OR —we’d love to hear from you!

Strolid Superstars – January 2024

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