Employee Spotlight – December

We look forward to showcasing employees each month so that you can get to know each other better!

Hector Ochoa – Client Advisor – Sales

What’s something about you that not many people know?

 I had a laugh attack when I first took a plane.

What’s your favourite hobby?


What’s your favourite food?


What’s your favourite Holiday?


What was the last book you read?

Successful sales.

What’s the greatest accomplishment of your life?

Graduate from the University

What’s The Best Advice You’ve Ever Received?

Agenda, water and a lamp

What’s your favourite travel destination?

Go to the beach.

Do you like to stay up late or wake up early?

 I like to wake up early.

How do you approach learning something new?

Listen and study a lot.

What are you passionate about?

 I love to study.

What’s something on your desk, a nearby wall, or out a window that makes you smile during your workday?

 I have a mirror where I can smile and remember to dial smiling.

If your current team had a mascot, what would it be?

A dog.

Dairo Ferrer – Client Advisor Sales

What’s something about you that not many people know?

When I was younger, I loved to draw and was good at drawing anime characters and cartoons.

What’s your favourite hobby?

Playing basketball or video games.

What’s your favourite food?


What was the last book you read?

Rich Dad Poor Dad, I haven’t finished it yet.

What’s the greatest accomplishment of your life?

Learning to speak English and earning my Google IT Support Certificate.

What are three items on your bucket list?

● Travel around the world. ● Buy a sports car. ● Buy a house.

What’s your favorite travel destination?

Las Matas de Farfán, Dominican Republic.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Take one day at a time.

How do you approach learning something new?

I use tools like the Pomodoro technique or Anki to learn more effectively and sometimes faster.

What are you passionate about?

Information Technology and sports.

What’s something on your desk, a nearby wall, or out a window that makes you smile during your workday?

My gaming PC.

When at work, how do you motivate yourself?

By watching motivational videos.

If your current team had a mascot, what would it be?

They do, it’s an Eagle.

Sindy Umana – Client advisor

What’s something about you that not many people know?

When I’m feeling stressed, I like to lighten the mood by making fun of myself or the situation. It helps me keep things in perspective and laugh it off.

What’s your favourite hobby?

I love being outside and hiking. It’s my way of getting away from the stress of daily life and reconnecting with nature.

What’s your favourite food?

My favorite food has to be sushi, especially with shrimp. I love the fresh flavors and the variety you can get with sushi—it’s always a treat!

What was the last book you read?

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

What’s your favourite holiday?

My favorite holiday is New Year’s because it’s the only time of year when my entire family is together.

What’s the greatest accomplishment of your life?

I’m really proud of buying my first car at 21 and graduating with a degree in industrial engineering. Both were huge milestones for me, and they showed me what I’m capable of when I set my mind to something.

What are three items on your bucket list?

I’d love to visit every continent. Visit all seven wonders of the world. Take a road trip across the country with no set destination—just go wherever the wind takes me.

What’s your favorite travel destination?

Switzerland and The Netherlands have to be my top destinations.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

The best advice I’ve ever received is to always give my best, no matter the situation. It’s a mindset that pushes me to do my best work and be the best version of myself every day.

Do you like to stay up late or wake up early?

It really depends on what I need to accomplish. Some days I stay up late, especially when I’m feeling inspired or need some quiet time. Other days, I’m up early, ready to get a head start on the day.

How do you approach learning something new?

I usually start by getting the basics down and then dive deeper once I have a solid foundation.

What are you passionate about?

I’m super into making sure everyone feels included. I can’t resist helping out with small acts of kindness whenever I can.

When at work, how do you motivate yourself?

I keep a positive mindset by celebrating even small wins and set small, achievable goals throughout the day.

If your current team had a mascot, what would it be?

I think our team’s mascot would be a jaguar. It represents strength, agility, and a keen focus on the task at hand. We work with precision and efficiency, just like a jaguar in the wild.


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