Strolid Superstars December


Top phone productivity

Client Advisor with the most Inbound and Outbound calls on the team.


Top Internet performer

The Client Advisor who had the Most Leads, Appts and Shows.


PRM Teams


Purple Team:

1st: Rabiat – 1,816 outbounds / 248 inbounds = 2,064 total calls

2nd: Kloe Capistrano  – 1,676 outbounds / 220 inbounds = 1,896 total calls

Red Team:

1st: Ronan – 1,726 outbounds / 312 inbounds = 2,038 total calls

2nd: Keith E –  1,563 outbound / 275 inbounds = 1,838 total calls

Maroon Team:

1st: Kylee I – 1,770 outbounds / 229 inbounds = 1,999 total calls

2nd: Hector O – 1,594 outbounds / 177 inbounds = 1,771 total calls


Purple Team:

1st: Rabiat – 635 leads / 171 appointments / 104 shows

2nd: Nicco A – 509 leads / 152 appointments / 91 shows

Red Team:

1st: Ronan M – 693 leads / 192 appointments / 124 shows

2nd: Keith E – 554 leads / 159 appointments / 104 shows

Maroon Team:

1st: Mae A – 517 leads / 182 appointments / 94 shows

2nd: Ruth O – 431 leads / 184 appointments / 103 shows





GBO Teams


Green Team:

1st: Alan H – 1,989 outbounds / 175 inbounds = 2,164 total calls

2nd: Joseph L – 1.662 outbounds / 279 inbounds = 1,941 total calls

Blue Team:

1st: Mhae D  – 2,041 outbounds / 222 inbounds = 2,263 total calls

2nd: Idalis N – 1,581 outbounds / 256 inbounds = 1,774 total calls

Orange Team:

1st: Aya Santos – 2,415 outbounds / 187 inbounds = 2,602 total calls

2nd: Ariel – 2,244 outbounds / 226 inbounds = 2,470 total calls


Green Team:

1st: Ana S – 651 leads / 195 appointments / 115 shows

2nd: Alan H  – 605 leads / 177 appointments / 120 shows

Blue Team:

1st: Idalis N – 467 leads / 126 appointments / 57 shows

2nd: Claire T – 400 leads / 154 appointments / 65 shows

Orange Team:

1st: Sindy U – 498  leads / 159 appointments / 87 shows

2nd: Aya S. – 501 leads / 151 appointments / 82 shows



GNG Teams


Gray Team:

1st: Sherica P – 2,054 outbounds / 448 inbounds = 2,502 total calls

2nd: Rosalie B – 1,948 outbounds / 508 inbounds = 2,456 total calls

Gold Team:

1st: Alyssa – 1,354 outbounds / 523 inbounds = 1,877 total calls

2nd: Christie A – 1,309 outbounds / 397 inbounds = 1,706 total calls


Gray Team:

1st: Rosalie B– 640 leads / 189 appointments / 94 shows

2nd: Sherica P – 565 leads / 154 appointments / 86 shows

Gold Team:

1st: Alyssa  – 677 leads / 157 appointments / 116 shows

2nd: Christie A – 609 leads / 190 appointments / 138 shows


Got ideas?

We want to ensure we cover information vital to YOU herein STROLID WORLD. Please submit any new ideas to OR —we’d love to hear from you!