Strolid Superstars November


Top phone productivity

Client Advisor with the most Inbound and Outbound calls on the team.


Top Internet performer

The Client Advisor who had the Most Leads, Appts and Shows.


PRM Teams


Purple Team:

1st: Kloe C – 1,706 outbounds / 165 inbounds = 1,871 total calls

2nd: Rabiat  – 1,673 outbounds / 138 inbounds = 1,811 total calls

Red Team:

1st: Ronan – 1,770 outbounds / 274 inbounds = 2,044 total calls

2nd: Keith E –  1,620 outbound / 199 inbounds = 1,819 total calls

Maroon Team:

1st: Ruth O – 1,656 outbounds / 253 inbounds = 1,909 total calls

2nd: Mae A – 1,564 outbounds / 183 inbounds = 1,747 total calls


Purple Team:

1st: Rabiat – 489 leads / 131 appointments / 74 shows

2nd: Nicco A – 451 leads / 117 appointments / 71 shows

Red Team:

1st: Ronan M – 598 leads / 169 appointments / 108 shows

2nd: Keith E – 505 leads / 142 appointments / 93 shows

Maroon Team:

1st: Ruth O – 552 leads / 214 appointments / 118 shows

2nd: Mae A– 530 leads / 167 appointments / 93 shows





GBO Teams


Green Team:

1st: Joseph L – 1,797 outbounds / 274 inbounds = 2,071 total calls

2nd: Alan H – 1.766 outbounds / 158 inbounds = 1,924 total calls

Blue Team:

1st: Mhae D  – 1,852 outbounds / 343 inbounds = 2,195 total calls

2nd: Idalis N – 1,431 outbounds / 357 inbounds = 1,788 total calls

Orange Team:

1st: Aya Santos – 2,398 outbounds / 235 inbounds = 2,633 total calls

2nd: Ariel – 2,202 outbounds / 218 inbounds = 2,420 total calls


Green Team:

1st: Ana S – 559 leads / 191 appointments / 110 shows

2nd: Alan H  – 498 leads / 171 appointments / 113 shows

Blue Team:

1st: Idalis N – 484 leads / 132 appointments / 72 shows

2nd: Claire T – 422 leads / 157 appointments / 62 shows

Orange Team:

1st: Aya S – 583 leads / 207 appointments / 98 shows

2nd: Sindy U. – 494 leads / 173 appointments / 86 shows



GNG Teams


Gray Team:

1st: Sherica P – 1,799 outbounds / 441 inbounds = 2,240 total calls

2nd: Rosalie B – 1,681 outbounds / 330 inbounds = 2,011 total calls

Gold Team:

1st: Maya – 1,741 outbounds / 311 inbounds = 2,052 total calls

2nd: Alba L– 1,387 outbounds / 427 inbounds = 1,814 total calls


Gray Team:

1st: Rosalie B– 592 leads / 162 appointments / 85 shows

2nd: Sherica P – 550 leads / 174 appointments / 99 shows

Gold Team:

1st: Christie A  – 569 leads / 166 appointments / 114 shows

2nd: Maya – 531 leads / 156 appointments / 102 shows


Got ideas?

We want to ensure we cover information vital to YOU herein STROLID WORLD. Please submit any new ideas to OR —we’d love to hear from you!